A great winter for Waxwings

This winter has seen a large influx of Waxwings into the UK and particularly into our area of South Essex. This occurs quite often when they have had a successful breeding year in their native Scandinavia but there has been insufficient food (mainly berries) to support them. One of their favourite places is Supermarket car parks as they have learned that there is often a good supply of berries on the ornamental shrubs planted there. They have been seen at Aldi and Lidl's in Pitsea and at Lakeside. I was lucky enough to get a flock of 83 in Laindon just two roads from where I live.



Waxwings Group


6 Replies to “A great winter for Waxwings”

  1. These photos are all so beautiful, I am quite envious, I am not a photographer at all. I do try and I am getting better, working with wildlife and not being able to record everything is frustrating. Thank you for all these wonderful shots. You are good indeed.

  2. Thank you Nitro. Just a half decent camera, a bit of patience and practice and trying to work with the birds not against them. By the way – I’m envious of your blog- excellent – and the funny signs are the BEST. Went to Cape Town for first time in July -Kirstenbosch Gardens are best I’ve been to including Sydney, Brisbane and Kew.http://www.flickr.com/photos/dcweather/sets/72157624370330495/http://www.flickr.com/photos/dcweather/sets/72157624371087637/Dave

  3. Much appreciated Dave….working with monkeys that are on the move all the time does not allow me the equipment I need. I get pens and cameras and notebooks snatched on a regular basis as my pockets get raided without discrimination.Let me go and have a look at these sits first.

  4. Oh my goodness, I thank you for capturing the beauty and magic of my country so well. I could not comment on the pictures because I do not have accounts there.Those little sunbirds, drink the monkey’s fruit juice that I put out for them, we have such a lot of them and they even sit on our hands to drink honey water.Thank you Dave, I enjoyed the visit.

  5. I saw the wild baboons while I was there and I know they sometimes suffer mistreatment in some parts of the Cape. I have a good friend living there so I hope to return one day to see other parts of this beautiful country. Thank you for your kind words – I will now follow the lives of your monkeys with great enjoyment and hopefully not too much sadness.Dave

  6. Thank you Dave, yes there is great misunderstanding where it comes to the baboons and the Vervet monkey. This species is now endangered. Man and beast can live together if only the effort is made.I do hope you enjoy my troop and there are many joys, unfortunately sadness too. Of course you will always be welcome in our country so please feel free to return any time. I don’t think you have much choice as once the beat of the African drum enters the bloodstream, there is no getting rid of it and the longing to return to this magical mystery of the birth of all things will always remain.I will be back.

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