Another new visitor to the garden

It's always nice when something new turns up in the garden and this winter has now produced it's third – a male Blackcap. It is one of really only two warblers that sometimes stick around for the UK winter, along with Chiffchaffs. Not many forego their return journey south to Africa but those that do often tend to find the shelter and food that gardens provide.
Blackcap in garden

Blackcap feeding on Mahonia flower

As you can see from the pictures, this one has taken a fancy to our Mahonia bush, just outside our patio doors. It would appear to be feeding on nectar from the yellow flowers which are one of few plants flowering at this time of year.

Male Blackcap

5 Replies to “Another new visitor to the garden”

  1. I have never saw my Blackcap as closely :rolleyes: very …. beautifulI like their songs and they nest near the house in thorny shrub

  2. You are right catse, they have a nice song in Spring. I wonder if it will return in the cold weather this winter?

  3. Yes, and only here recently, due to climate change possibly. We have Little Egrets breeding in the South which we never had till the last decade.

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