The Butcher Bird

A fairly rare winter visitor to the UK, the Great Grey Shrike is also known as the "Butcher Bird" for it's habit of taking it's prey back to a suitable perch and spiking it on a Hawthorn or similar to devour later. It usually feeds on beetles and other insects and voles but will also take small birds and other mammals as big as a stoat. This seems incredible as the bird is slightly smaller than a Blackbird.
So I was lucky to hear that one of these was in a location just a few kilometres from where I live.
At first only distant photos were possible but eventually I was able to get within 15 metres of it, usually perched on a wire where it can eye up its prey.

Great Grey Shrike

Great Grey Shrike on fence post

2 Replies to “The Butcher Bird”

  1. A thrill to see as a first for me, although I can’t take the credit for being the first to find it. I think a Black Redstart is probably the scarecist bird I have found for myself.

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