Summer continues in Springtime !

The unseasonally hot weather has continued with temperatures reaching 26.8C this past week. We have had virtually no rain now for six weeks which may surprise a few of my overseas visitors – although this is the driest part of the UK where I live.
It is also the time of year when unusual birds turn up, often overshooting their intended migration destination. I have seen a Night Heron but missed seeing a Hoopoe which is very uncommon in this region.
An attractive but unwelcome visitor turned up in the garden – a Lily Beetle (Thanks Paul). It is an introduced species from around 1939 and has become established in the UK. Unfortunately it and its larvae feed on Lilies and Fritillaries and it was about to do so on my pond side plants!

Lily Beetle

On a more cheerful note I spent today at a Nature Reserve in the North of Essex. There were newly arrived Nightingales singing their intricate songs everywhere – a truly wonderful chorus! Difficult to get a good shot of but I managed to record one with my mobile phone but unfortunately Opera won't allow me to upload it but you can hear it here:-

3 Replies to “Summer continues in Springtime !”

  1. Excellent shot of the Lily Beetle. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one. The Nightingales must be beautiful to hear.

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