Now where was I …………..

Oh yes, I dropped my camera and the flash was on it. Broke the hot shoe and some plastic off the top. It still works but no flash, although the gun thankfully seems ok. A bit of a shame as I was off to the New Forest area for a few days. It also coincided with a break in the three month drought!:(
I still managed to get some shots of a Redstart that I'd hoped for and one or two other shots of some local wildlife.
What did happen was that as I was driving through the New Forest, quite slowly luckily, a young deer ran out in front of me and before I could react it leapt straight over the bonnet of my car without touching it! An incredible sight, it must have jumped 4 feet high and about 20 feet long.



Marsh Tit
Marsh Tit New Forest
A newly fledged Nuthatch, waiting to be fed although it had started to feed itself.
Nuthatch Juvenile

It is truly a beautiful area with such a diverse range of habitats. From the woods to the heaths. A wonderful but tiny Silver Studded Blue butterfly with a wingspan of only a cm or so.

Silver Studded Blue

Silver Studded Blue, wings open

A male Stonechat guarding the Nature Reserve sign on Hengistbury Head.


In the more boggy parts of the forest the carniverous tiny Sundew plant abounds. Here seen with some prey caught by its sticky tentacles. The gel like substance gives the plant its name as it looks like early morning dew on the tentacles. Not so romantic for the flies as it is this which attracts them and they become trapped by the sticky substance.

Sundew Plant

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