New Camera!

Good news! The insurance company have replaced my camera with the near equivalent Pentax K-r – but of course it is new. At this time of year the birds that have finished their nesting tend to rest and moult and consequently stay out of view. This is the time us wildlife photographers look for other subjects and it is usually insects! But don't be dismayed if at first this doesn't seem appealing because there are beautiful butterlies and dragonflies out there and even flies look good close up!
Here are some I've recently taken.

Red Admiral

Red Admiral top

Red Admiral
Red Admiral side

Heath Fritillary
Heath Fritilliary

Giant Green Bush Cricket
Giant Green Bush Cricket

Giant Green Bush Cricket
White-letter Hairstreak
White-letter Hairstreak Butterfly

Marbled White Female
Female Marbled White
Marbled White
Make Marbled White

3 Replies to “New Camera!”

  1. With uncertainty, Heisenberg 😉 Seriously, it just comes from experience of looking them up or someone telling you. Then the next time you know.

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