A wonderful encounter with a Kingfisher

I had a good day today which was topped by a close encounter with a Kingfisher – a rare event indeed. I was at my local river which is not much more than a wide ditch really, The Mardyke. Seeing a patch of clear water amongst the duckweed and some small shoals of tiny fish I thought it would be a good place for a Kingfisher to fish. I decided just to enjoy the surroundings and sit down in the long grass on the bank. Low and behold after about 15 minutes a Kingfisher landed on a fence not more than 5 metres from me! I was amazed as I have never seen one this close before. It looked a around for a bit then dived in for a fish. After a minute or so it reappeared, but I moved slightly and it flew off. No picture I'm afraid but watch this space! Halcyon days indeed.
Anyway I did get some other interesting pics.

This is a common Lizard. Can you see the fly on the grass blade?

Common Lizard

…. and a Wasp Spider. A continental import from the 1920's which is now working its way North.
Wasp spider (female)

This is a Little Egret – another bird which is establishing itself in the South of England, breeding and expanding rapidly. Another result of climate change?

Little Egret

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