After the snow came the sun!

After the fairly brief cold spell in February mid to late March brought unprecidented warmth with temperatures here reaching 23C and the same in Scotland which was an all time record high for March.
Encouraged by the warmth we had a visit from a rare bird that had come from Spain according to its ring ID. A Glossy Ibis, adding to the Mediterranean feel.

Glossy Ibis

Glossy Ibis

Glossy Ibis

Glossy Ibis

3 Replies to “After the snow came the sun!”

  1. Yes Catse we can:-Well, it came from Spain – ringed as a chick at El Rocio, Coto Donana, on 7th May 2007. It was still in the area three years later, being seen near Huelva (just 45km from where it was ringed) on 2nd April 2010. Next sighting wasn’t until early 2012 at Borth, Ceredigion, from 2nd to 25th February, before heading straight through Britain to Heybridge, Essex to 16th March… and then appearing at this site on 24th March.A pair nested in Southern England last year and several have visited so far this year. Perhaps it will become like the Little Egret which has become a widespread breeding bird in the UK in the last ten years.

  2. ah you sent its numbervery interresting his story ! 7 old …I hope is not like The African Sacred Ibis, in france it proliferates and eats the eggs of other natives birds

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