Down to the New Forest

With not much happening on the local scene I spent a couple of days in the New Forest area with a wildlife photographer friend of mine. We hoped to see a couple of birds he'd not seen before, namely a Dartford Warbler and a Redstart and we were lucky on both counts. The weather started fine but deteriorated on the second day limiting opportunities somewhat but we certainly saw plenty of wildlife.

Dartford Warbler
Dartford Warbler

A localised bird in the UK mostly being found on heathland in SOuthern England and parts of East Anglia. Populations can be devastated by heavy snow falls in long cold spells and heather fires on the heaths.

Marsh Tit

Marsh Tit 2 NF

Marsh Tit 4 NF

This carnivorous Sundew plant was in a boggy field and appears to have captured a small fly.

Sun Dew Plant

One Reply to “Down to the New Forest”

  1. Catse, I live in Essex which is a coastal county just across La Manche sort of opposite Normandy. These photos were taken near to our South Coast, 100 Km away, where there is still a large ancient forest, called The New Forest! Named, I think by William in 1079, not long after our close friendship with your country started. 😉 :rolleyes: It is a very beautiful part of our country. Drosera are found in the boggy valleys.I like “Surprised Warbler”, tres bon. (Apologies but grave is difficult on my keyboard!)

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