Autumn migration well under way.

It's a long time since I've posted. This has mainly been due to the generally poor weather of late and the lack of interesting wildlife. The Autumn migration has started to throw a few unusual birds our way as they get blown off course or their navigation system fails. Here in Essex so far I have seen a Wryneck, which is a relatively common visitor during migration, when it stops off for a feed. Then I saw a much rarer Olive Backed Pipit which is similar to a Meadow Pipit. Then today I went to a place where a Desert Wheatear had been sighted – the first one in Essex for 25 years. It had ended up by a resevoir where there was a lot of work going on. This meant that there was a lot of sand around and in fact a 50 foot massive heap of sand. I guess, quite amazingly, it had somehow decided this was the nearest thing to the Arabian Desert or Northern India it was headed for. A bit colder though! It was however very photogenic. It is similar to our normal Wheatear but is a bit more Robin like and has a solid black tail as opposed to being barred.

Desert Wheatear
Desert Wheatear on makeshift desert

Desert Wheatear 3

Desert Wheatear 2

Desert Wheatear 1

3 Replies to “Autumn migration well under way.”

  1. oh I’m too late !!!I never seen a Wryneck … maybe I have had a bad view and pipits are really Brain twisters to recognize them good photos !!

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