More amazing garden wildlife!

Well after the fox I wasn't expecting two days later for c40 Waxwings to turn up for the first time ever!
This really did surprise me. First of all my garden is not massive, about 250 square feet. It is in the middle of a housing estate in Laindon, Essex, UK. I suppose with neighbouring gardens there is a mature green space of about 200 metres by 60 metres. I've lived here for 37 years but lately so many new birds have appeared or at least I've noticed them!
This morning approximately 40 Waxwings flew into the Silver Birch Tree. They then raided the red berries on the Viburnum bush just 10 feet outside my patio! A lot of excitement and panic ensued due to not being able to locate one of many SD cards but eventually I got some pics. Unfortunately it was quite rushed in the 5 -10 minutes they were there and I only had time to use my 300mm lens so missed the opportunity to get a record of the whole flock. After 10 minutes they departed leaving the bush virtually stripped of its berries. A fantastic experience with at one point birds almost at my feet picking up berries off the ground.

Waxwing garden

Waxwing garden 2

Waxwing garden 3

Waxwing garden 4

18 Replies to “More amazing garden wildlife!”

  1. Thanks once again Catse. You are my only follower! To be honest I have been quite amazed at what has come to my garden in the last few years. Perhaps my eyes are more open than they used to be.:left: :right:

  2. can be your eyes ….but I think more the climate changes, the cold more intense in north and greater softness in EuropeAlways the K30 ?

  3. Yes, always the K-30 although I have bought the very interesting tiny mirrorless interchangeable lens Pentax Q which can, with the right adapter use DSLR lenses from my Pentax or indeed other manufacturers with the right adapter. I can’t remember how interested you are on the technical side but my 300mm lens becomes 1750mm on that camera so look out for some moon pictures! I hope to do more landscapes this year as well.

  4. yes I’m interested ,because I hesitate to buy the K30 , after I have seen photos do with it and they was not so good !but yours are marvelous I think a good lens with a nude body of K30 is betterI ‘m inclined towards to make macro , I have only macrozoom 100 for old pentax reflex

  5. ok, I will buy K30 ,or K5 ( if price is down ) in the futur …. but why you did not buy like many people , a Nikon ?

  6. K-30 is very good, close to the K5 in IQ. Maybe the photographer was not so good :rolleyes: I have the DA 100mm macro prime. Very sharp.Dave

  7. I had Pentax K mount lenses from previous film SLR. Every lens ever made by Pentax and others in K-mount will fit all Pentax DSLR’s therefore lots of cheap used lenses available. Also Pentax in the same price range as Nikon have weather sealed bodies, shake reduction built in the body so no need for expensive lenses with vibration reduction and the low light performance is the best in the price range. Add to that I don’t like conforming with the crowd some who just buy Nikon or Canon just because of the “image”. Not that they are bad cameras, they are all good these days, that was just my reason.

  8. yes I understand , my first SLR was a Pentax ( screw mount lenses) my second a Pentax ( K mount lenses ) and I have one good lens , zoom macro Tamron 90 f/2,5 adaptail 2 , the 300 ( screw mount,was too old for K then for pentax K30 …. )I always like Pentax

  9. I have some manual Takumars that are M42screw fit and they work great with an adapter on my DSLR’s. I also have your exact Tamron f2.5 SP90 Adaptall. Beautiful lens, every bit as good as the new ones.

  10. you said than they work fine with the K30 great news Dave I can buy just K30 (body only) and put the lens of my old MX ( M 50 mm f/1.7) at first and K30 or K5 ? which is the best ?

  11. Yes – will work in the way I said.or:- Euros difference. Only you can decide.;) K5 is no longer made so will disappear soon. Now K5 ii very expensive not worth extra money now.

  12. Well yes, it will make the whole camera weather sealed, not just the body. Otherwise same. If you can justify the extra cost, yes.

  13. It is a coincidence – I have been asked about the K-30 from a Flickr friend, a lady in the USA, about whether to buy the K30 or the K5! Perhaps my pics are a good free advert for Pentax!

  14. :yes: you must thought to ask a bit money for the pub Pentax 😆 but lens make for good photos , you must say that at your public

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