Busy times !

I have at last found time to catch up with my blog. So back to our trip to Iceland at the end of March to see the Northern Lights … and we did!

Northern Lights just outside Reykjavik

Northern Lights just outside Reykjavik

Northern Lights just outside Reykjavik

Northern Lights just outside Reykjavik

Northern Lights just outside Reykjavik

SOmething I've always wanted to witness so a great moment for me.

Of course there were the other daytime sights to see as part of the "Golden Circle"

Thingvellir National Park where the Eurasian and North American Tectonic Plates collide.

Thingvellir National Park 8

Reykjavic Evening Sun

Reykjavik evening sunlight

Gullfoss Falls
Gullfoss Falls, Iceland

Distant Glacier

Distant Glacier

5 Replies to “Busy times !”

  1. oh Dave great !!! my dream to see the Northern Lights is it so strange than people say ?your panoramas are beautiful and we feel the nature and immensity

  2. Lucky !!! in french we say ” voir naples et mourir” “see Naples and die” but I prefer ‘ see northern lights and die ! ” 😆 bye

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