The Beatles, “When I’m 64” !

Well I made it, 64 today! I bought Sgt. Pepper at the age of 17 and wondered what it would be like to be 64. Well for all you young people – it’s ok! It’s passed in the blink of an eye but I have done so much and met so many good friends. Having a wonderful wife and family helps of course. I cry more now but laugh as much!  How could someone so young write lyrics like this ? That’s what made the Beatles special for our generation. At least I know now – they do still feed me,

yours sincerely, Dave (wasting away) 🙂      xx                                                   

39 Replies to “The Beatles, “When I’m 64” !”

  1. When the Beatles first hit the Ed Sullivan stage, I wasn’t impressed, frankly. And through their long run across world stages, they didn’t strike me as so wonderful as my peers in the sixties said. Now, however, looking back more than five decades since their arrival, I love Beatles tunes and lyrics. As a composer and performer, they offer a stable of rock and folk styles that audiences today love, although today’s audiences seem mixed across age groups more than they were when I was younger. Thanks, dcweather, for reminding me and the rest who read your post of the Beatles!

  2. Good stuff, dcweather. I shot past 64 three years ago and when I did the Beatles’ song came to mind just as it has for you. The other day my wife and I watched the 50th anniversary of the Beatles appearance on Sullivan’s show and we both were amazed at how innocent their songs’ lyrics were. You’ll enjoy your 64th.

    When I get older, losing my hair, many years from now
    Will you still be sending me a valentine, birthday greetings, bottle of wine?
    If I’d been out ’til quarter to three, would you let me drive
    Will you still need me, will you still feed me when I’m sixty-four?

    You’ll be older too
    Ah, and if you say the word, I could stay with you

    I could be handy, mending a fuse when your lights have gone
    You can knit a sweater by the fireside, Sunday mornings, go for a ride
    Doing the garden, digging the weeds, who could ask for more?
    Will you still need me, will you still feed me when I’m sixty-four?

    Every summer we can rent a cottage
    In the Isle of Wight if it’s not too dear
    We shall scrimp and save
    Ah, grandchildren on your knee, Vera, Chuck and Dave

    Send me a postcard, drop me a line stating point of view
    Indicate precisely what you mean to say, yours sincerely wasting away
    Give me your answer, fill in a form, mine forever more
    Will you still need me, will you still feed me when I’m sixty-four?

  3. Happy 64!

    Still the best band in the land. I remember the first time I heard them with the conscious knowledge of who they were, at the tender age of about 4, in 1969. The first album I ever purchased was Meet the Beatles when I was 6.

    And, for the record, my favorite is George. Before you think I’m crazy, listen to the solo stuff. John’s sounds like John, Paul’s sounds like Paul, but George’s sound like the Beatles. John and Paul might have wrote most of the songs, but that’s George’s lead you hear on them all.

  4. “The first album I ever purchased was Meet the Beatles when I was 6. ”
    Crikey, pocket money must have gone up for 6 year olds in that decade 😉

    Thanks to all for the friendly comments,

  5. it’s strange i was fan a bit hysteric in 64 , but now ,i have difficulty to listen a disc , except John Lennon

  6. Allisonk, if you mean it’s the best band on Earth, I don’t think so. There are amazing bands with brilliant lyrics everywhere in the world.
    I know some of their songs are still suitable for the society of nowadays, I know the generation of nowadays owes many things, many conquests to the generation of the past, but being older doesn’t necessarily mean being better. And, of course, being older also doesn’t mean being old. I’m not saying you’re old. I also know your opinion isn’t my business, you can like whatever you want, but, personally, I don’t think they’re the best band on Earth, not nowadays. But it’s just my opinion. Ah, I’m 17.

  7. maybe the famous Lennon song “imagine” will go down in history , because it touches the universal feelings
    there are many good songs in every part of past

  8. ClaudioAlb – don’t worry, everyone has their favourite bands and football teams 🙂 It doesn’t mean they are the best! Personally I like all sorts of music as long as I enjoy it, even though my roots are towards blues and rock I am not a fanatic.

  9. Yes, Catse, that song is legendary. I’m sure many songs of the past are a great inspiration for the singers of nowadays, just like book writers and such. The past is the inspiration for the future. I’m really lucky for living nowadays.

    Dcweather, I know. I also listen to everything. I love country music.

  10. It’s my thread and now I’m lost – but everyone knows I’m 64 !!
    PS , Byrds= Good. I don’t like the Tammy Wynette style Country.
    I’m going through a liking Roy Orbison phase although I didn’t appreciate him as a teenager understand more now. What a voice and such emotion . “I Drove all Night” and the haunting “In Dreams” – anyone seen film “Blue Velvet” -scares the living s**t out of me!

  11. what Claudio ! Dcweather is your father ? 😀
    i like blues not the true country music

    i love all the films of David Lynch and “blue velvet” has like others a incredible strange atmosphere and actors are really special , i have had a page on myopera about A. Badalamenti and his bewitching music

  12. Prefiro algo mais clássico e dançante, como Soul:

    Moving away from music, I don’t know why Vivaldi doesn’t have Portuguese on its list of languages. I haven’t any problems with Spanish, but Portuguese isn’t Spanish, the same way Portuguese isn’t French. If they have French and Spanish on their list, why not Portuguese?

    Portuguese is the fifth most spoken language on Earth as native language and the sixth as second language, besides being the third most spoken on Western Hemisphere and the most spoken on Southern Hemisphere.

    Arabic is said to be the fifth most spoken language, for many variations are considered as only one language, as Arabic. The same way, Catalan, Galician, Portuguese, Spanish, etc. could be classed as only one language, but they are different languages. De facto, Portuguese is the fifth.

    All right, perhaps they haven’t used my criteria to create the list of languages, but Brazil has overcome Russia and is now the fifth on Internet users. That should be enough. Brazilian Portuguese or Portuguese would be absolutely strategic to Vivaldi.

  13. oui mais myopera …n’est plus qu’un souvenir …
    vivaldi is not really made for mobile …. well bye then …. a++
    don’t panic ! the email @ Vivaldi is impossible to connect , password failed .manypeople have this problem

  14. oh you’re connected ! good ! 😀
    Cha-Ching Cha-Ching
    yes “Why is everybody so obsessed? money can’t buy us happiness,If we all slow down and enjoy right now guarantee we’ll be feelin’, All right”

  15. Hello Catse! Well I’m definitely slowing down 🙁 Having trouble finding time to keep this and other blog up to date but at least my WordPress one updates with my Flickr pics automatically. Off to Spain for 5 days on Sunday.
    P.S. I don’t mind people hi-jacking the thread. I like reading views, especially from other Countries.

  16. oh happy to see you here ! holiday in Spain ! great ! in which areas are you going ?
    there are no problem to upload photos here ; a bit slow to see them after on the albums but not on the page .
    I have made a test on my page it’s ok
    yes but we are talking for a long moment if you can’t stop our chatter

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